NILO® is all about Superfruits Juice! We strive to produce the best Drinks using the finest, delicious fruits from responsible growers, to improve the quality of life through optimal nutrition- No artificial sweeteners or artificial ingredients, just like mother nature intended. NILO's name was inspired from the “Nile River” in resemblance to the source of Life to ancient Egypt civilization.

It all started in a magical tropical paradise called “El Salvador”- where our founder grew up surrounded by all kinds of exotic fruits. He always loved their unique taste & beautiful appearance and eventually became an exotic-fruit connoisseur- Yeah, he knows the craziest fruits you’ll ever hear in your life! He enjoyed them so much that was inspired to source the best quality harvests and make the perfect version of this nutritious superfruit juice- like Guanabana. And Voila! NILO® was born.

At first, we introduced NILO® in California, people loved it and started talking about it, more retailers kept requesting it, and rapidly became a popular drink in main cities like Los Angeles, and eventually nationwide. 5 years later, health & wellness experts, Athletes, and millions worldwide have all become fans of NILO®! We’re constantly searching for new ways to bring you mother nature’s best kept secrets to keep you up to speed and ready to rock!

P.S. In case you were wondering- Nope, we don’t use any artificial sweeteners or additional supplements to our drinks, just like mother nature intended. So drink up and enjoy!! Green Smiles.